Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are loaded with starchy carbohydrates and if it is served with cream and butter, you gain about 200 calories on a half a cup serving.
Too much candy not only leads to tooth decay, it can also lead to obesity and diabetes. These are high in sugar and carbohydrates, as well as being very high in calories.
Ice Cream
The list of additives in ice cream sounds like a science project. Ice cream is also high in fat, and sugar and high in calorie.
Potato Chips

Potato chips are typically high in salt and saturated fat. Not only are they high in calories but also they contain many preservatives and artificial flavor.
Processed Meats
Eating processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes. They have high content of very bad fats, as well as sodium.
Fast Food

Because it is cheap and convenient, it's hard to resist eating fast foods. Most fast food such as hamburgers, nachos, French fries have a high fat content that is extremely bad for you and they are very high in calories with very few healthy ingredients.
Fried Foods
Fried foods and cholesterol are commonly linked to one another. These foods are usually very high in fat and if they are made with breading you also have a food that is high in carbohydrates.
Soda Drinks
Drinking soda on an everyday basis can have health consequences. Soda drinks are high in sugar, sodium and calories with no nutritional value at all.
Aside from the reason that fattening foods are not good for our health, they also add to our weight. As you gain weight, your self confidence deteriorates. That is why people who are not physically fit go to the extreme just to bring their once beautiful figure back.
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