Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sculptures Famous All Over The Decades

Sculpture has been described as one of the plastic arts because it can involve the use of materials that can be moulded or modulated. They are the sturdiest of all the arts created. They can withstand all  kinds of weather, hard to steal because of their bulk and weight, a distinguish landmarks, and can be priceless when preserve over a period of time. Here are seven great sculptures that were properly maintained for centuries.

The Kiss
Hermes and The Infant Dionysus
The Thinker
Venus de Milo
Venus de Milo

There are different mediums that you can use when sculpting, from metal to clay. Sculptures are oftentimes very large and eats up a lot of space in your house if you want to display it. No matter what medium the sculptor chose, it is still prone to breakage and this type of art should be handled with extreme care.

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